Where Are Olukai Shoes Made? A Comprehensive Guide

OluKai is a renowned brand with immense popularity for its comfortable and stylish footwear. The brand strongly connects to Hawaiian culture and values, and its name reflects this deep-rooted connection.

OluKai means “comfort ocean” in the Hawaiian language, and their shoes aim to provide that sense of comfort while also promoting the Hawaiian spirit of aloha. However, many consumers wonder where OluKai shoes are made. In this article, we will explore the journey of OluKai shoes, their manufacturing processes, and the brand’s commitment to quality and sustainability.

The OluKai Brand:

Before delving into the specifics of where OluKai shoes are made, it’s essential to understand the brand’s background and its values.

OluKai was founded in 2006 to create high-quality, durable footwear inspired by the Hawaiian way of life. The brand aims to blend contemporary shoe technology with traditional Hawaiian craftsmanship to produce footwear that is not only stylish and comfortable but also deeply rooted in the culture of the Hawaiian Islands.

The brand’s commitment to sustainability and the environment is evident in their products. OluKai strongly focuses on using eco-friendly materials and ethical manufacturing processes, which we will explore in more detail shortly.

Where Are OluKai Shoes Made?

OluKai’s commitment to Hawaiian values and craftsmanship extends to its manufacturing process. While many companies outsource their production to countries with cheaper labor, OluKai takes a different approach. The brand is dedicated to producing its shoes in a place that aligns with its values and supports its mission.

OluKai proudly manufactures its footwear in three key locations: the United States, Portugal, and China.

United States:

OluKai’s connection to Hawaii is so profound that they make some of their shoes on the Hawaiian Islands. In particular, the brand has a manufacturing facility on Oahu, the third largest Hawaiian island. This facility is essential to OluKai’s commitment to supporting local craftsmanship and preserving Hawaiian traditions.

The shoes made in Hawaii are a testament to the brand’s dedication to quality and authenticity. Artisans on the island create these shoes with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that they reflect the spirit of aloha and the culture of the Hawaiian people. This makes OluKai one of the few brands still producing footwear in the United States.


In addition to their Hawaiian facility, OluKai also manufactures shoes in Portugal. This European country is known for its skilled shoemakers and a long history of quality footwear production. By choosing Portugal as one of their manufacturing hubs, OluKai maintains a commitment to excellence in craftsmanship.

Portugal’s shoe manufacturers are renowned for their expertise and attention to detail, which aligns with OluKai’s core values. The shoes made in Portugal carry the same spirit of OluKai’s Hawaiian-inspired designs and dedication to comfort and quality.


The third location where OluKai manufactures its shoes is China. While choosing China as a manufacturing site may raise questions for some, OluKai maintains a commitment to ethical and sustainable practices in their Chinese production.

The brand has carefully selected manufacturing partners in China who meet their strict ethical standards. OluKai’s Chinese facilities are audited regularly to ensure they adhere to labor and environmental standards. By maintaining a close relationship with its Chinese partners, OluKai ensures that its footwear is produced responsibly.

Using multiple manufacturing locations enables OluKai to provide a wide range of styles while maintaining its commitment to craftsmanship, comfort, and sustainability. Each manufacturing facility is chosen for its specific expertise and alignment with the brand’s core values, making OluKai a standout in the footwear industry.

Quality Materials and Craftsmanship:

Regardless of where OluKai shoes are made, the brand’s commitment to quality materials and craftsmanship remains consistent. OluKai sources premium materials to ensure that their footwear is comfortable and long-lasting.

The brand uses many shoe designs of high-quality, full-grain, and nubuck leather and suede. These materials are chosen for their durability and ability to age gracefully, ensuring that your OluKai shoes will become even more comfortable and stylish.

OluKai’s commitment to craftsmanship is evident in their attention to detail. Skilled artisans handcraft their shoes to ensure every pair meets the brand’s high standards. From stitching to sole construction, each step in the manufacturing process is executed with precision, resulting in stylish and durable footwear.

Sustainability and Ethical Practices:

OluKai’s commitment to sustainability is a core aspect of its brand identity. They believe in preserving the natural beauty of the Hawaiian Islands and the planet. To this end, OluKai has implemented various eco-friendly practices throughout its manufacturing process.

One of the most prominent initiatives is the use of recycled materials. OluKai incorporates recycled rubber in the outsoles of many of its shoe designs, reducing waste and lessening the environmental impact of its footwear production.

The brand also works to reduce its carbon footprint by sourcing materials locally whenever possible. This reduces the energy and emissions associated with transportation and supports local communities.

OluKai’s commitment to ethical practices extends to its labor force as well. They ensure their manufacturing partners adhere to strict labor standards and are audited regularly to confirm compliance. This commitment to fair labor practices aligns with the brand’s values and ensures that its products are made with integrity.

Hawaiian Culture and Values:

OluKai’s deep connection to Hawaiian culture and values sets them apart in the world of footwear. The brand’s name, “comfort ocean” in Hawaiian, reflects its mission to create comfortable, high-quality shoes inspired by the Hawaiian way of life.

One of the most iconic elements of Hawaiian culture is the spirit of aloha. Aloha represents love, kindness, and harmony with the land and the people around you. OluKai infuses this spirit into everything they do, from their product designs to their commitment to sustainability.

OluKai’s dedication to preserving Hawaiian culture goes beyond its product offerings. The brand actively supports Hawaiian organizations and initiatives to protect the environment, promote cultural education, and preserve traditional craftsmanship.

They understand the importance of supporting the community that has inspired their brand. In addition to their philanthropic efforts, OluKai produces special edition footwear and apparel highlighting Hawaiian art and culture. These limited-edition items celebrate the beauty of Hawaii’s natural surroundings and the islands’ rich history.

The brand’s commitment to Hawaiian culture and values is a significant part of what makes OluKai unique. They take pride in sharing the spirit of aloha with their customers and encouraging a greater connection to the world around them.

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OluKai is not just a footwear brand but a symbol of Hawaiian culture, craftsmanship, and the spirit of aloha. Where OluKai shoes are made is a testament to their dedication to quality, sustainability, and preserving the values of the Hawaiian Islands.

With manufacturing facilities in the United States, Portugal, and China, OluKai ensures that its shoes are crafted with the highest level of skill and attention to detail. Premium materials, sustainable practices, and ethical manufacturing partners are integral to their commitment to excellence.

Beyond creating comfortable and stylish footwear, OluKai actively supports Hawaiian culture and values through philanthropic efforts and unique edition products that celebrate the beauty and traditions of the Hawaiian Islands.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Who owns the company OluKai?

OluKai is owned by an American company called Deckers Brands. Deckers Brands is known for various footwear, and they acquired OluKai in 2019. OluKai is a Hawaiian-inspired brand that makes comfortable and stylish footwear, particularly sandals and shoes, for outdoor and casual activities.

Where is the OluKai company located?

OluKai’s headquarters are in Irvine, California. This is where the company’s main offices and decision-making happen. From there, they design and manage the production of their footwear, which often draws inspiration from Hawaiian culture and lifestyle.

What’s unique about OluKai shoes?

OluKai shoes are unique because they’re inspired by Hawaiian life, known for comfort, and often have unique designs. They focus on making shoes for outdoor adventures and casual wear. OluKai is also committed to quality, using suitable materials and contributing to social and environmental causes, making them stand out.

Why are Olukais so expensive?

OluKai shoes may seem expensive because they prioritize quality materials, like premium leather and thoughtful craftsmanship. The brand also supports ethical and sustainable practices. These factors contribute to the overall cost but reflect the durability, comfort, and values associated with OluKai footwear.

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